Autotragic Transmissions and some Itasha

I want to start this by stating that I am very much a fan of manual transmissions. There, I said it and it is out there. Now at the same time an automatic transmission has it’s time and place as well. I had an experience tonight driving 90 miles home from a japan fair (photos of a trueno and an itasha (anime girl) cars following article). My wife has a 2018 Hyundai Ionic PHEV, great car if i am being honest (I am) but i found a flaw on the drive home. Sitting in LA traffic I had the car in sport mode so i could keep it as nimble as possible and at the same time keep the car in it’s torque band so that when i needed the little bit of extra power it would be there. Well the automatic transmission in the car kept doing something really dumb. I would be in traffic hit 6-6.5 k and upshift and it would jump 2 gears. This would normally be fine but i was also going up a hill at the time so really not ideal. I tested this quite a few times on the drive and predictably i would be doing quick upshift downshifts to get the gear i wanted. It also seems to have a habit of jumping a gear or two if you leave it in the torque band too long without nailing it. I fully understand why it was designed this way, there has always been the idea that people only buy manual transmissions for better fuel economy so the new automatics were programmed to be better in the way. However for those who are at least a little skilled at using a transmission as a means of breaking, torque transfer and overall vehicle control the way they act is problematic at best and dangerous at worst. When someone is expecting a specific behavior when giving input and doing so in a very natural way this could potentially cause an accident or worse. Otherwise great car, quick enough, handles well, but a little less nanny on the trans when in sport mode would go a LONG way. Anyways that aside here are some photos i took at the Japan Fair we went to, there was a small (4 car) itasha car show and a Initial D Tofu vendor at the fair. I was not able to get more photos due to the amount of people around but either way, enjoy!